

Sunday January 13, 2013


And now let us welcome the new year – full of things that have never been. – Rainer Maria Rilke


Just where you are – that’s the place to start. – Pema Chodron


Finding Inspiration to Start Something New  


Why are firsts so fraught with fear and anxiety? The first day of school, a first kiss, the first night alone after a divorce, writing the first note of a song, publishing your first Blog.


Yes, I am publishing my first Blog. And I admit, I’m a little nervous. But along with my fingers shaking slightly on the keys, there is the excitement of the unknown, cautious optimism that comes with starting something new, and a feeling of deep contentment that after a long time of wanting to write a Blog about inspiration and creativity, I’m finally, doing it. Yeah me! ; )


It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions. We often include on our lists things we’d like to start doing, things that will require effort and courage to take that first step:  to sign-up for a new class at the gym when you can barely walk a flight of stairs, take the first Spanish class knowing you can’t roll your r’s, or sending out resumes for that dream job when you’ve held the same, comfortable but achingly unfulfilling job for a decade. It takes time and commitment, and so often we procrastinate because of fear. Fear we might fail. Fear we might sound foolish. Fear we won’t be good enough, strong enough, or have enough experience.


But to create something new, to step into a better life, we must feel the fear and do it anyway. To do that requires a leap of faith and the ability to tap into the inspiration and empowerment the ‘first’ can give us: a brand new year, a clean slate, white paper, a chance to start over, improve, re-write, stretch and grow – all reasons to be excited, encouraged, and enthusiastic.


So on this first day of the New Year, I’m jumping in and unleashing myself to the world. Hi! I’m Constance, a pianist, songwriter, teacher, adventurer and lover of life. And with this Blog, I hope also to be a source of inspiration, creativity and passion.


My intention is to share with you:


Notes I write in pencil,

Lessons learned in ink,

The Melody etched in my heart

And the Song I’ve yet to sing.


And to share the music, books, people and experiences that have helped me along my path to ‘living a life in tune.’


Living a Life in Tune is not just about getting in the groove with your friends, co-workers and family, but perhaps more importantly, about being in harmony with yourself, singing your own song in your own unique voice, as only you can. Only once you are stepping in time to your own heartbeat can you live in happy harmony with those around you in this big, beautiful world.



My hope is to inspire you to think less, dream more, create freely, and love deeply. Breathe, smile, feel, and play.  Because your heart’s true desire is always with you. Every day, every moment, with every breath. So take a minute now and listen. What is that quiet voice inside whispering to you? What is it you want to do with your one wild, precious life?


Today, on this first day of January in this New Year, take that first step towards creating the life you truly, deeply desire. For me, it’s breathing life into a Blog that’s been two years in the making because I know what you get out of life is like being at the piano: it’s all about how you play it.


And I am ready to create new melodies, write new blog posts, and play with passion. I hope you’ll join me on this path to living a life in tune, and finding happiness and harmony along the way.




A Note of Thanks: Inspiration for today’s Blog comes from: Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems, Jim Brickman’s Picture This and my sun-chasing dog, Wolfgang.


Sunday February 24, 2013

What a beautiful intention. I look forward to sharing your melody and hearing your song. Happy new year!

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